Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Hubpages Experiment - Writing Money Making Pages

In the last 3 weeks I've been conducting an experiment to write on a few topics that I rarely write about and I thought I would test out writing some of these topics to try and see how they make money through Google Adsense and Amazon and Ebay, now the main one that I tested was from a quick search that I did on how to make money and so I thought I would write up a hubpage on that search based title and add the word today on it for a little bit of current reference here is that hubpage article How To Make Money Today

Now the main areas I've been testing out is with keywords and seeing what works best for google ads at the start I did no keyword research through a keword tool like the adwords one, I just attempted to guess some of them based on what I was writing at the time, then as about a week passed I looked at my stats in Google Analytics to see if I could see anything to work on and low and behold, some good keywords came up that had been used to find the actual make money hubpage.

Now I took what I found and started to write short backlinks on Xomba, and a few other areas that would provide some traffic back, even if the do-follow links didn't remain at them sites, I was still intrigued by the popularity of this hubpage (which at present is getting nearly 150 views a day!) and it's made it on the hot hubs list which I'm sure is driving a few hubbers to it from within Hubpages itself.

I am going to keep my eye on this hubpage and many others that I've written in the last 3 weeks (43 hubpages to be exact!)

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